...and as much as Justin said that he missed me...I have a feeling that there was a part of him that was a little happy to have the apartment to himself and revert back to his bachelor days. What makes me think this? Oh, I have evidence.
Piece of Evidence #1: The Reese Cups
OK, so I found these before I left and while Justin confessed to having these before I found them, I still chalk them up to a secret. The conversation went like this when Justin got home from work late one night:
Setting the scene: I was watching TV in bed when Justin got home. Since we hadn't seen each other much that week, he came into the bedroom to eat and talk with me. After random chatting, this happened...
Me: "Do you know we have absolutely nothing sweet to eat in this house? I wanted a cookie or candy so bad after dinner I couldn't stand it."
Sidenote: We've been trying to make healthier options at the grocery store.
Justin gets a weird look on his face.
Me: "Babe..."
Justin: "I've had candy stashed in the kitchen for a few days now." He runs away from me.
Me (outraged): "WHAT?! WHERE?! Why didn't you share?"
Justin: "You've been doing so good eating healthy, babe, that I didn't want to ruin it for you."
Me: "You mean there has been candy in this house and I wanted chocolate so bad that I literally drank the Sundae Syrup this evening?"
Justin then fessed up to his stash. Apparently there were Hershey bars in the kitchen but now just Reese cups remained. And where did he hide them? In the most obvious place. We have a drawer in our kitchen that somehow got nicknamed "the candy drawer" but for the past six months has only contained Christmas Lifesavers, hard marshmallow Peeps, cough drops, and expired popcorn. So I never thought to look there. But there they were...
Piece of Evidence #2: Coors Light
Yes, beer. I can't remember the last time that beer was in our refrigerator. I'll take a safe bet that we haven't had beer since we lived in Justin's old apartment on 82nd street. Not that we are goody-two-shoes that don't drink, but when you don't have a lot of money to spend at the grocery store, you buy milk, diet coke, and Kool-Aid packets...cheap beverages...not beer. But as I am in my tired daze after Allison's wedding trying to run around the house and pack for Washington D.C., I open the fridge for a bottle of water (re-filled from the Brita...see...cheap) and see this:
Piece of Evidence #3: More Chocolate
Not only did that six-pack greet me when I went into the refrigerator for an innocent bottle of water, but more candy stared me straight in the face, right there in plain sight on the bottom shelf:
I guess I can't blame him too much for indulging a little while I was gone. He did say he missed me and he remembered to feed Maggie everyday, so I can't fault him too much. But next time I want chocolate, I'm searching high and low in the kitchen before I resort to drinking the Sundae Syrup.
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