Here I am. Sitting in my very own living room in my very own house. Eating my very own breakfast (a donut and about 3/4 of a bowl of of the peaches had a weird texture and I couldn't eat those slices because they made me gag...ah, such is pregnancy).
We've been moved in for two weeks today. The walls are painted (well, almost...small hallway and baby's room to go), the dishes and clothes are put away and some curtains are up. Wait a second. Did I just make that sound like our house is in great shape and we are fully unpacked? Ha! That's a good one. Check this out:

And our computer currently sits on a folding table in the living room wedged between the TV and the fireplace.

It's a temporary set-up until that mess up there is clean and until someone (ahem...Justin) climbs up into the attic and runs cable down to that room so we can have internet in there and you know, until we get some more real furniture.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. Want to see what this place looks like all clean and fresh and not full of boxes and STUFF? Here you go.

The front of our home! Precious, isn't it? And that FOR SALE sign has been removed :o)

The view from the entryway. This is the living room and if you were standing here, to the right would be a hallway that leads to two bedrooms and a bathroom.

This is the formal dining room. But we aren't that fancy. This room is right off of the living room (all opened up to it) and we will be using it as an office. I hope that someday soon this room is filled with several bookshelves (um, and books), a real computer desk, and a comfy chair.

This is the kitchen (duh). It is a very open floor plan so the kitchen, living room, and formal dining room, I mean, office, all feed right into each other. If you were standing here, the laundry room and garage would be behind you and to the left would be a small hallway that includes a HUGE pantry and that leads to our bedroom.

This is the backyard! A BACKYARD! OF OUR VERY OWN! Can you tell we are excited about this? We have woods behind us so it is very quiet and peaceful. We love it.
Now those pictures were taken the day of our inspection so there wasn't any paint on the walls or furniture in place or anything yet. It's coming along, though. It won't be decorated and all cute and how I really want it for quite some time but it will get there. It will just take some work, some decorating discussions, and a big fat $8000 check from Uncle Sam.
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