Wednesday, April 28, 2010

9 weeks!

Our little one is about the size of a grape this week! My, how they grow so fast!

Apparently the baby has lost its tail (not growing a seahorse anymore) and is developing rather rapidly. We have our ultrasound a week from tomorrow and we are very eager to hear a strong little heartbeat.

As for me, I'm still feeling great. I'm not having any horrible physical symptoms. I've been pretty tired lately, and well, I could eat dinner at about 4 p.m. everyday, but nothing terrible beyond that. I'm very thankful and just holding out faith that this little boy or girl is doing fine in there!

While I haven't been having too bad of a time physically, I think I have one big case of pregnancy brain. I feel that normally I'm not that forgetful of a person. But lately, it's been awful. I'm forgetting things left and right. I haven't done anything crazy yet like leave my car keys in the refrigerator, but I do have a bad problem with getting ideas in my head that have absolutely no truth to them.

Example: Last weekend and for about half a day on Monday, I swore that my fourth period students were in the lab for class on Monday to work on research papers. I had everything ready for my other classes that day and kept thinking that it was nice that I would have a low-key day in fourth period since my students would be in the computer lab. Was my class on the schedule to be in the computer lab?


And I didn't realize this until about 11:30 when another teacher sent an email out saying that she would not be using the upstairs lab (the one I thought I was in) for third or fourth period that day and that it was free if anyone wanted it. Huh, I thought. I could have sworn I had the upstairs lab signed up for my fourth block today. Then I had a sudden reality check when I realized that I never had the lab signed up, never even put in a request for it, and worse yet, really didn't have a back-up plan. Awesome. The baby is stealing my brain. Well, hopefully it's really intelligent if that's the case.

It all worked out in the end because since she didn't want the lab anymore, I was able to get in. Like I said before, I haven't done anything too crazy, but I'm fully preparing myself for the day that I walk out of a store and think that someone stole my car when I simply can't remember where I parked!

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